Shakoon Shastra means “The science of Omens” These are nature’s warnings for good or bad of forthcoming incidents or ments. In Mantra. Tantra and Yantra this part carries a special impartance but it is onem neglected. A Sadbaka in Mantra, Tantra and Yantra or an Astrologer while Kurwering the reply to the question to any body maoy a tises reoeive aacas through nature. A good Sadhaka will under- stand aed without using any Sadhana can give the predictions. The persons who ignore the omeos fail in the predictions and Suppone a man puts a quarry to the sadhaka and somebody simultaneously, the nature has Igiven the answer ia nega- sntcars Look than nature gives war aiag through o at many times, Irwe ignore, we uffer and ir e act according to the sigoals, la Horasara Adhyaya 200×1 Slokas I-s, 5 and 6 clearly the tesults of certain omens. These are reproduced as t saka Na -On a clean spot in a lonely place, the seat himself comfortably facing the Sun and bis preceptor, God and all the planets and observing baviag a lofty ideal closely watch all the omens as and by Sage Siddbanta. Any hit by a wcapoD, quarrel, fall precipice etc are declared as bad omens at the commence- dntnerios of etc appear on th anace, it is untoword; even a reference or talk about them ilalcative of cil and certainly forebodes danger or disaster.
Sloka No. 5 .A cry of lizard in the left and speering os the right side are inauspicious. So also are the sounds (bowling) of a Jackal, buffalo or a cow very oear as they portend death.
Sloka No. 6 The person will be able to correctly answer quarries of one’s future and intelligently predict good or evil by observing omens occurring at that time, within a limit of two years.
omens are of many kinds. Nature wanns through birds, animals, through twitching of body parts, through voice, sound and its modulation. (ead through nose, moles, etc. We will explain them in a coincise form which he followed by the Sadhaka.
First of a we give omens regarding Dog and Cow omens of Dog
1. When a person starts for journey and the dog licks tle feet of the native or twitches his ears indica- tes hinderance in the journey
2 ir a dog brings wet bone before the person is auspicious
3. in case dog brings dry boae or burning wood denoues death during Journey.
4. if a cloth is found in the mouth of dog predicts troubles.
5. 1r a dog standing in South East directioe and eeps while facing sun indicates danger and loss through thievos or sre.
6. ir a dog weeps facing sun in the Noon indicates death or loss through fire and bloodshed.
7, whea a dog sits putting his head on the Chewkhat or the house and the balance body is outside the Chowkhats and looks at house lady or weeps denotes in health or disease for the lady.
8. if a dog picks up the shoe and approaches a person with his mouth upward in an auspicious augry