Natal astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with the astrological forces that influence individuals at the moment of birth. It is the more contemporary term for what traditional astrologers called genethliacal astrology. Natal astrology is to be distinguished from such other branches of astrology as mundane astrology, which interprets the significance of celestial events for cultural trends and national world affairs.


When most people talk about their astrological chart, they are usually referring to
their natal (from the Latin word natus, meaning “born”) chart. A natal or birth chart
is a map of the solar system, with respect to Earth (in traditional, geocentric astrology)
at the moment an individual was born. Because the planets and signs are usually represented
by symbols (referred to by astrologers as glyphs) rather than by words, a natal
chart appears confusing to anyone unfamiliar with astrological codes. To the experienced
astrologer, however, a natal chart reveals a great deal about the person for
whom it was constructed.
The expression natal chart is used exclusively to refer to the birth chart of an
individual. It is thus distinguished from such terms as horoscope and radix, which can
refer to the chart of an event or to other nonpersonal phenomena. The natal chart is
also distinguished from such secondary charts as progressed charts.
National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc. (NCGR), is a nonprofit (501-C)
organization incorporated in Massachusetts in 1971 for the purpose of raising the standards
of astrological education and research. Its membership of over 3,000 is mostly
from the United States, though international membership is growing. Most members
affiliate with NCGR’s local chapters; as of April 2003, there were 40 established chapters
worldwide in 26 countries. Additionally, several special interest groups (SIGs)
cross wide geographical areas to foster dialogue among people of similar astrological
specialties. A code of ethics, to which members are accountable, provides guidelines
for the practice of astrology.

From its 1979 launch in a seminar at Princeton University attended by delegates
from chapters, NCGR developed and implemented a four-level education and
testing program leading toward certification for astrologers. The first three levels
cover basic techniques of astrology and require survey knowledge of its various specialties.
The fourth professional level can be tested in four tracks: consulting, research,
instructor, or general studies. Each student who achieves Level 4 is entitled to include
“CA NCGR” after his or her name, and is identified in a special certified astrologers
section on the organization’s web site, Although NCGR does not
require that its members be practicing astrologers, more than 1,000 members have
participated in the organization’s testing program at Level 1 or above, and momentum
is building. The education curriculum and testing program are widely respected for
their excellence and rigor. Those who have successfully tested at Level 3 or above may
use that towards substantial credit for the technical course work required by Kepler
College of Astrological Arts and Sciences, the first accredited liberal arts college in
the United States to offer bachelor’s and master’s degrees in astrology.
To briefly summarize the history of NCGR, seven men and women met in
Wareham, Massachusetts, on March 6, 1971, at the home of Harry F. Darling, M.D.,
who became the organization’s first chairman. The official signing of the articles of
incorporation took place at 9:02 P.M. The founders included astrologers, medical professionals,
scientists, and scholars, all interested in exploring astrology as it related to
other disciplines. The name they chose, “geocosmic,” sought to avoid the popular misunderstanding
of astrology and set the tone for their purpose with a serious and scholarly
approach to the study of correspondences between life on earth (“geo”) and the
cycles of the “cosmos”—in particular, that of our solar system.
The first three elected to head NCGR were medical doctors: Darling, followed
by Henry Altenberg, M.D., and Donald Wharton, M.D. In 1980, Neil F. Michelsen, a
businessman and pioneer of computer technology for astrologers, became chairman,
followed by Robert Hand, prominent astrologer, author, and software developer, and
the current chair, Maria Kay Simms, astrologer, author, and businesswoman. The late
A. Charles Emerson, a teacher, writer, and astrologer in New York City, who was
among NCGR’s founders, never served as chairman, but is widely considered to be the
“father of NCGR” because of his tireless work to build the organization through its first
two decades. Through his efforts, along with that of many astrologers’ countless hours
of volunteer service, NCGR moved beyond an initial “techie” reputation to welcome
and assist members of all levels of expertise who share its goals of continuing education
and the promotion of the highest professional and ethical standards for astrologers.