- Aries will have round red-eyes, will be fond of vegetable food and will eat hot meals but in a moderate degree ; will be of a quickly relenting nature, will be fond of travels and of sexual union ; will be of weak knees; will possess no permanent wealth ; will be fond of fight and of women ;will be skilled in serving under other men ; will have disfigured nails and a wounded head ; will be haughty, will be the eldest of his brothers ; will have lines in his hand of the shape of the weapon known as Sakti; will be fickle minded and will be afraid of water.
- Taurus will be of fine appearance and of beautiful gait; will possess large thighs and face ; will possess marks on his back, face or sides ; will be liberal in his gifts ; will bear misfortunes ;will possess great influence and authority ; will have large hump on the neck ; will have daughters ; will suffer from phlegmatic affections ; will be separated from his kinsmen, wealth and sons ; will be liked by all men will be of patient nature ; will be a great eater ; will be fond of women ; will be attached to his friends and will be happy both in middle age and old age (a).(a) And therefore unhappy when young.
- Gemini will be fond of women, will be skilled in sexual union ; will possess red eyes ; will be learned in the Sastras ; will carry messages ; will possess curling hairs and a sharp intellect ;will be skilled in wit, in discovering the thoughts of other men and in game ; will possess beautiful features ; will be of sweet speech ; will be a great eater ; will be fond of music, and skilled in the rules of dance; will join in sexual union with hermaphrodites ; and will possess an elevated nose.
- Cancer will walk fast with his body bent ; will have a high hip ;will be subject to the influence of women ; will have an excellent friend ; will be learned in Astrology ; will have numerous houses ; will have a wealth which will increase and decrease as the Moon ; will be short ; will possess a thick neck ; will be capable of being won over by kind words ; will be attached to his friends and will be fond of water and forests.
- Leo will be of irascible temper, of large cheeks, broad face and brown eyes; will have very few sons; will hate women ; will be fond of animal food, forests and hills; will continue angry at trifles for a long-time ; will be afflicted with pains caused by hunger, thirst, stomach-ache, tooth-ache as well as purely mental anxieties ; will be liberal in his gifts ; will be bold in fight ; will be of fixed principles ; will be haughty and attached to his mother.
- Virgo will have lovely eyes and slow gait through modesty ; will have his shoulders and arms sunk or depressed; will live in comfort ; will have soft body and speech ; will be truthful, will be skilled in dance, music painting and bookmaking;will be learned in the Sastras; will be virtuous and intelligent, will be fond of sexual union ; will enjoy .the house and property of other men ; will live in foreign lands ; will be of sweet speech ; and will have daughters and very few sons.
- Libra will respect the Devas, Brahmins, and holy men ; will be intelligent (a) will never covet the property of other men ;will be learned in the Vedas ; will be subject to the influence of women ; will be tall ; will have a raised nose; will be of thin and defective limbs and fond of travels; will be rich ; will be a trader ; will bear the name of a Deva coupled with an excellent surname granted by a body of learned men ; will be sickly ; will protect his family and will be disgraced and rejected by his kinsmen.
- Scorpio will have broad eyes, a broad breast and round shanks, thighs and knees ; will be separated from his parents and preceptors; will be afflicted with diseases when young; will be respected by the king’s family ; will be of brown color; will not be of a straightforward nature ; will have lines in his hand and feet of the shape of the fish, the Vajrayudha or a bird ; and will endeavour to conceal his sins.
- Sagittarius will have a long face and neck ; will inherit his father’s property; will be liberal in his gift ; will be a literary author ; will be powerful and skilled in speech ; will have large teeth, ears, lips and nose, will engage in numerous works ; will be skilled in fine arts ; will have indistinct shoulders, disfigured nails and large ^arms ; will be of and intelligent, will be fond of sexual union ; will enjoy the house and property of other men ; will live in foreign lands ; will be of sweet speech ; and will have daughters and very few sons. deep and inventive intellect, will be a man of right understanding;will hate his kinsmen ; will never yield to compulsion but only to kind treatment.
10.Capricorn will be ever attached to his wife and children ; will do deeds of virtue for outward show; will have weak lower limbs, good eyes and a thin waist; will readily understand what is spoken ; will be liked by all and slow at work ; will not bear cold ; will be of a wandering nature,liberal or powerful and a literary author; will be a niggard and will be attached to old women of low caste will be shameless and merciless.
- Aquarius will have a neck like that of the camel, a body covered with muscles, rough and covered with hair; will be tall ;will have large feet, thighs, back, buttocks, face and lower belly ; will be deaf; will be attached to the wives and property of other men and do wicked deeds ; will rise and fall by turns ; will be fond of flowers and perfumes ;and will be attached to friends and will walk without Feeling tired.
- Pisces will be a dealer in the produce of the sea and enjoy the property of other men ; will be fond of his wife and clothes will have perfect limbs, a bright body, long nose and large head, will put his enemies to disgrace, will be subject to the influence of women, will have beautiful eyes, and will be fair; will enjoy hidden treasure; will be rich, and learned.