- If the Moon and the Sun occupied the 2nd and 12th houses associated with or aspected by Mars and Saturn, the native will suffer from eye diseases.
Notes – If the planetary disposition described above is concerned with the 12th house, the left eye will be affected. Similarly if any amongst the Sun and the Moon is posited in the 2nd or the 12th house and is aspected by Saturn or Mars, such Sun or Moon is in the 2nd house, the right eye will get afflicted. The left eye will be adversely affected if their disposition be in the 12th house. If the Sun be in the 2nd aspected by or associated with Mars or Saturn and the Moon be in the 12th aspected by or associated with Mars or Saturn, both the eyes will get afflicted and may even make the native blind.
If the 3rd and 11th houses and Jupiter be associated with or aspected by Mars or Saturn, the native will suffer from diseases of the ears.
The native will suffer from stomach ache if the Mars be posited in the 5th house and be associated with the lord of the 6th or the 8th house.
Rectal disease, will be caused to the native if the lords of the 6th or the 8th house be posited in the 7th with a malefic or the lord of the 6th be in the 8th alongwith a malefic.
Venus under the above condition will make the native suffer from a disease in the private parts (veneral diseases).
- If the 6th or 8th house be occupied by the Sun, there would be fear of fever, if by Mars or Ketu, the danger will be from injury or ulcer; if by Venus, it will be through a disease in the private parts, if Jupiter should occupy the 6th or the 8th house, the native will be afflicted with consumption; if Saturn be in such a position, the native will suffer from nervous diseases. If Rahu aspected by Mars be in the 6th or the 8th, the person concerned will suffer from carbuncle. Should Saturn alongwith the Moon posited in 6th or the 8th, native will suffer from enlargement of the spleen. If the waning Moon should occupy the 6th or the 8th house identical with watery sign, in conjunction with malefic; the person will suffer from watery diseases or consumption.
- I now proceed to explain the manner in which a person meets with his death and the cause of the same.
The death is caused through the diseases caused by the strongest of the planets occupying or aspecting the 8th house.
If there be no planet occupying or aspecting the 8th house, the death will be caused by the diseases signified by the 8th house or those indicated by the house in which the lord of the 8th house is placed.
If any of the planetary disposition do not exist, it may be declared with certainty that death will be caused by the diseases caused by the lord of the 8th house, or by the lord of the 22nd decanate (counted from the Lagna decanate).
- When the 8th house is occupied or aspected by a planet, death should be declared to be caused by diseases relating to that planet. When there are no planets occupying or aspecting the 8th house, death is caused through diseases arising from the nature of the sign representing the 8th house.
- The diseases or means through which death is caused by the various planets are as under :—
(1) The Sun — fire, high fever, bile or weapon
(2) The Moon — Cholera, watery diseases or pulmonary disease
(3) Mars — fire, magical spells, witchcraft and weapons.
(4) Mercury—Anaemia, bloodlessness, and similar diseases and giddiness.
(5) Juipter — Causes death without much trouble or through phelgm.
(6) Venus — Veneral diseases or similar ones caused by association with Women.
(7) Saturn — Wind diseases or a dangerous fever like typhoid.
(8) Rahu — Leprosy, food poisoning, venomous bites, smallpox and the like.
(9) Ketu — Unnatural death like suicide, assassination as a result of hatred of enemies or through worms etc.
- The death should be predicted through the evil effect arising from the 8th house reckoned from the Lagna or through the evil effect of the sign representing Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house.
- The diseases caused by the planets have already been described earlier. Now are detailed the diseases and troubles caused by the various signs which may ultimately become the media of death of the native.
(1) Aries — fever due to excess of bile, diseases caused by heat like stroke etc., liver or gastric trouble.
(2) Taurus — Diseases caused by the imbalance of the three humours bile, phlegm and wind, injury by weapon or fire.
(3) Gemini — Catarrah, asthema, or sharp pain such as colic.
(4) Cancer — Insanity, windy diseases, loss of appetite etc.
(5) Leo — fatal injuries caused by wild animals, fever, boils, enemies.
(6) Virgo — Troubles caused by women, veneial diseases, fall from a height.
(7) Libra — Brain fever and typhod.
(8) Scorpio — Diseases of the spleen, dyspepsia and jaundice.
(9) Sagittarius — Injury caused by fall from a tree (or by tree falling of or varga
(10) Capricorn— Stomach-ache, loss or appetite or aberation of mind etc.
(11) Aquarius — cough, fever, consumption etc.
(12) Pisces — Watery diseases such as Jalodara, drowning, etc.