• If the lord of the 8th house be a malefic and 8th house be a malefic the death will be by weapon, fire, tiger or snake.If two malefics posited in kendras aspect each other, the death will be due to displeasure of the king, through a weapon, poison or fire.
  • If In any nativity, the lord of the 12th house be In a sign or Navamsa of a benefic or be associated with a benefic or the 12th house be occupied and owned by a benefic, the native will meet with his death without any anguish or suffering. The death will be painful if the lord of the 12th be posited in the sign or Navamsa of a malefic and be associated with a malefic, or the 12th may’be occupied or owned by a malefic.
  • If the lord of 12th house be posited in his sign of exaltation, a friendly sign or a varga of a benefic planet or be associated with a benefic planet, the native after his death goes upwards to heaven. If he is posited in his sigh of debilition, in an inimical sign or in the varga of a malefic planet, he after his death goes to hell. Some interpret this as a result of the native of the sign (of the 12th house) i.e. heaven if the sign is a shirshodaya one and hell if it be a prishtodaya one.

Notes – Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius are Shirshodaya signs. Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn are Prishtodaya signs. Pisces is an Ubhayodaya sign.

  • The refuge after death is indicated by (1) the planet or planets posited in the 12th house, (2) the planet occupying the Navamsa of the 12th house, or the palnet or planets with which the lord of the 12th be connected.

If the Sun or the Moon be such planet the abode of the soul after death will be Kailash. If Mars be the planet concerned, the native takes birth on the Earth immediately after death. If Mercury be the planet In question, the next world for the native will be Vaikuntha. Jupiter takes the native’s soul to Brahmaloka, Saturn to the abode of Yama, Rahu to other islands and Ketu to hell.

  • It is from the lord of the 9th that all is ascertained about the native’s past birth and all information about his future birth is signified by the lord of the 5th house. The particular caste, country and the direction of the person concerned in his past and future births should be deduced from the lords of the 9th and the 5th houses respectively.25. If the planets referred to above be in their sign of exaltation, the abode should be declared as that of Gods (Devaloka). If they be in their sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign, the abodes of past and future birth should be declared to be foreign islands. If the above patents be in their own sign, friend’s sign or a neutral’s sign, such place would be India alone.
  • The parts of India covered by the various planets are as under:—

(1) The Sun — Mountains and forests.

(2) The Moon — Tracts watered by the holy rivers (like Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Godavari, etc.).

(3) Mars — Keekat Desha now known as Bihar.

(4) Mercury — All scared places.

(5) Jupfler—Aryavarta bordered in the North by Himalayas, in the South by Vindhya, and which extends to oceans in the East and the West

(6) Venus —The same places as have been indicated for the Moon.

(7) Saturn — Prohibited places like those inhabited by Mlechhas (non-Hindus).

  • If the planets referred to in verse 24 (lords of the 9th and the 5th). are posited in a fixed sign or Navamsa which is Prishtodaya and Adhomukha along with malefics, the past and future briths of the native should be taken as trees, plants and the like. If the lords of the 9th and the 5th houses occupy a Shirshodaya and an Urdhvamukha sign or a moveable sign or navamsa, and be associated with benefics, the past and future birth will be of an animal kind.
  • If the lord of the 9th or the 5th be in the sign of exaltation or own sign the lord of the Lagna, it would mean that the native’s previous or the future birth (as the case may be) will be that of a human being.

If the lord of the 9th occupied a sign neutral to the lord of the Lagna, the native in the past birth was born as an animal.

If the lord of the 5th be in a sign neutral to the lord of the Lagna. the native in his future birth will be born as an animal.

If the lord of the 9th occupies the sign of debilitation of the lord of the Lagna  or in an inimical sign, the native was born as a bird in his previous birth.

If the lord of the 5th be in such a situation, the native will be born as a bird in his next birth.

All these may also be declared with reference to the appearance of the decanates occupied by the lord of the 9th or the 5th.

  • If the lords of the 9th and the 5th be in the same sign, the past birth was in his own country and the future birth will also take place there.

If these two planets be of equal strength, the past and future birth would be in the same caste.

The color and quality will also be similar to these belonging to the lords of the 9th and the 5th houses.

Prediction regarding all the rest should be similarly made by a reference to what has been stated in the Samgnadhyaya.