Parivartan Yoga in Vedic Astrology

The interchange of houses between two grahas is6 called “Parivartana (Exchange) Yoga”. That is, the Yoga comes into effect, if any of the two planets stays in the houses owned by the other. For example, if the Mercury stays in the Libra and Venus stays in the Virgo (Libra is owned by the Venus and Virgo is owned by the Mercury) then there exists “Parivarthana Yoga” between Venus and Mercury. Let us see the possible effects of “Parivarthana Yoga”


The grahas that exchanges their houses mutually between them gets more power @ the strength can be equivalent to the strength of the graha, when it stays in its own house. But the effects of “Parivarthana Yoga” varies from place to place.

All Parivartana yogas in a horoscope are not necessarily positive always. As the horoscope involves both benefic and malefic houses, Parivartana yoga will also be modified based on the house placement of the planets. The Parivartana yogas are benefic if the exchange involves the lords of benefic houses.It will be adverse, if the exchange is involving with the adverse houses.So it will be crucial to determine the house lordships in assessing the yoga. There can be the total of 66 pairs of parivartana yogas possible which can be categorized into 3  variant.

The parivartana yogas in three ways depending upon the involvement of house lords.They are

Maha yogas or Maha Parivartana Yoga

Maha Yogas

These are excellent combinations to have in a chart. In this type of yoga, both the houses involved are auspicious houses. Both the planets in this yoga will complement each other and enhance the significations of the house.

Maha Yoga forms when the lords of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses mutually exchange with each other. The houses involved are trikona or trine (1st, 5th and 9th) houses, Kendra houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses) and two auspicious houses related to wealth (2nd and 11th houses). There can be the total of 28 combinations possible in Maha yoga.

Maha yoga produces fantastic results to the native. If the planets involved are natural benefics, then the result will be more powerful and helps in complete accomplishment of the goals for the native. If malefic planets are involved with this yoga, then also good results are produced but not to the extent of benefic planets.

The person with Maha yoga will achieve wealth and prosperity, is very fortunate, will achieve his goals, all the significations of the respective house will be fulfilled.

Dainya Yogas

Dainya Yogas

These are not a good combinations to have in a chart. Dainya yoga results in the involvement of dusthana houses (or evil houses). Dusthana houses in vedic astrology are 6th, 8th and 12th houses. When lords of dusthana houses exchange their houses with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th houses and also with other dusthana lords, then Dainya yoga is formed . These lords may spoil the house significations.

There can be 30 different combinations possible in Dainya yogas. The results can be attributed based on the position and strength of the planets. Again we can differentiate two types of Dainya yoga. One, when dusthana (Trika) house lords are exchanging with non-dusthana houses and other, dusthana house lords exchanging with other dusthana lords The later will be termed as Vipareeta Raja yoga. The results of the Vipareeta raja yoga are somewhat different. Vipareeta rajayoga produces good results with initial struggle or the native will gain at the expense of others.

The person both with Dainya yoga will face a lot of struggles in life, they will have wicked nature, they lack intelligence, enemies will harm them or others will use them for their own interest, will have an unsteady mind which leads to trouble, will indulge in sinful activities.

Khala Yogas

Khala Yogas

Khala yoga can be placed between Maha yoga and Dainya yoga as regards to the results. Khala yoga is formed with the involvement of third house. Third house is termed as a mild malefic house. It is not as bad as dusthana houses 6th, 8th and 12th houses. So when the exchange takes place between 3rd house lord and other houses lords except for dusthana house lords, Khala yoga is produced. Therefore 3rd house exchanges with 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th lords. There can be 8 different combinations possible in Khala yogas.

The person with Khala yoga will be fickle minded, there can be a lot of fluctuations in any ventures, he will have to struggle a lot. This yoga is not completely negative. The yoga produces both good and bad results. As the 3rd house denotes hard work and self effort, if the native works hard towards the goal, he tends to get rewarded. If there is an aspect of the benefit planet, it will produce excellent results.


 If the “Parivarthana Yoga” exists between 1st, 5th and 9th house lords, it brings wonderful results in the life; the benefits peak especially during the respective Graha’s Mahadasa or Antaradasa periods.

The “Parivarthana Yoga” between 1st and 9th house lords does not bring any benefits to Rishaba, Simha, Viruchika and Kumbha lagna natives.

The “Parivarthana Yoga” between 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house lords brings modest benefits.

The “Parivarthana Yoga” between 1st and 7th house lords does not bring any favourable results for the Mesha, Mithuna, Kataka, Kanni, Thula, Dhanusu, Makara and Meena lagna natives.

The “Parivarthana Yoga’ between 4th and 5th house lords; and also between 4th and 10th house lords brings excellent results.

The “Parivarthana Yoga” between 4th and 9th house lords brings excellent results except for the Rishaba, Simha, Viruchika and Kumbha lagna natives.

The “Parivarthan Yoga” between 9th and 10th house lord brings wonderful results; this also creates “Dharma Karma Athipathi Yoga” which brings phenomenal growth in the Career. But for the Rishaba, Simha, Viruchika and Kumbha lagna natives, this “Parivarthana Yoga” brings limited benefits.

If “Parivarthana Yoga” exists between 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 11th house lords, it bring good results only for the Rishaba, Simha, Viruchika and Kumbha lagna natives.

If “Parivarthana Yoga” exists between 9th house lord with the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 11th house lords, it bring good results only for the Mesha, Mithuna, Kataka, Kanni, Thula, Dhanusu, Makara and Meena lagna natives.

If exists between 2nd, 7th and 11th house lords, it will not bring good results for the Mesha, Mithuna, Kataka, Kanni, Thula, Dhanusu, Makara and Meena lagna natives.

If “Parivarthana Yoga” occur between 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12 house lords, it will bring disastrous results.

If “Parivarathana Yoga” between 2nd, 7th and 11th house lords with 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords, it will bring very bad results for the Mesha, Mithuna, Kataka, Kanni, Thula, Dhanusu, Makara and Meena lagna natives.

If “Parivarathana Yoga” exists between 3rd, 8th and 9th house lords with any of the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords, it will bring very bad results for the Rishaba, Simha, Viruchika and Kumbha lagna natives.

If any house lords has a “Parivarthana Yoga” with 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords, it produces worst results.

It is a very deep subject and one can not identify it easily at first instant. But it is yet very powerful yoga. Many celebrities and politicians had this yoga like Indira Gandhi, Rajesh Khanna, Julia roberts and many more.

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