Diabetes currently has no cure and impacts more lives every year. Diabetes is a serious medical condition that affects the way our body handles glucose, a form of sugar, in our blood. It is a growing problem in all countries. It can lead to dangerous and life threatening health problems.This is a disease of glucose metabolism in the body. In diabetes,there is excess glucose in the blood & body tissues, but it can’t be utilised. The cause of this is the deficiency of a hormone called insulin produced by the pancreas gland.The liver which metabolises glucose & the pancreas which produces insulin are located in the upper part of the abdomen. This area falls under the jurisdiction of the 5th house.Jupiter is the significator for the liver as well as for a part of the pancreas. Venus is the significator for the remainder of the pancreas. Venus also rules over the hormonal system of the body.Jupiter,Venus & the 5th house thus come into play in cases of diabetes.
Now,lets see the astrological combinations for Diabetes in a chart.
1) Jupiter located in 6th,8th or 12th houses or being lords of 6th,8th or 12th houses.
2) Jupiter being debilitated, retrograde,combust.
3) Jupiter afflicted by malefics like Rahu,Ketu,Saturn,Mars.
4) The 5th house afflicted by malefics, in association with 6th,8th,12th houses/lords.
5) Venus in bad dignity, afflicted by Malefics, in association with 6th,8th,12 houses/lords.

The above factors have to be applied in Divisional charts as well – D3, D6 and D12 (D12 for hereditary diseases like Diabetes). The time period of onset of the disease can also be predicted from all these charts.
During the analysis of a couple of Health Consultations, I found this ailment in some of the charts. Given below is the chart of one of my clients who came for consultation. In my prediction, I had told her that she is having Diabetes and she confirmed that she was having this ailment for the last 21 years. Lets check how the above factors are fructifying in the birth chart. You can refer to the D1 chart in the image given.
Jupiter in her chart is the 6th house lord aspected by a malefic planet Mars from the 8th house of chronic illness. Jupiter is also being aspected by the 8th lord Saturn. This indicates the affliction to Jupiter by malefics and its 8th house association. The 5th house is in Rahu-Ketu axis and is occupied by the 8th lord Saturn. The 5th lord, Mars has moved to 8th house. This shows that the 5th house and its lord, both are afflicted. Venus in her chart is afflicted by Rahu and Venus is itself in an inimical sign of Cancer. These afflictions to Jupiter,Venus & the 5th house were also evident in the mentioned above divisional charts.