Angarak yoga

Angarak Yoga Effects and Remedies Many times when I say some one that there is a angarka yoga in your horoscope or kundli and therefore you are facing such problem person ask what is this. I am heard this first time. Is it really affect my life how to overcome from this dosha. So to clarify all this things i am writing this article hope this will help you to understand this yoga properly and after that you will be able to take step to rectify this problem.
What is Angarak Yoga or Dosha?

Angarak yoga is formed when rahu and Mangal sits together in kundli or horoscope. This is sometimes shows very dangerous effects in person life.

There are some other combination through which we can find the impact of angarak yoga too. By proper analysis only we can find this yoga.

In my life coincidentally my 3 friends passes from accidents in which one has got injury in hand and other has injury in leg.

They were in bed for about 3 months. When they came to me and showed their horoscope i was surprised that both have angarak yoga in horoscope and in their kundli Mars was in power at that time.

One more case has came to me which makes me confident that yes angarak yoga has impact. A person came to me before me and shows his horoscope, he told me that 2 month later he had an accident. He and his wife were coming from a place and on the way suddenly their bike crashed and both were in the state of unconsciousness for about half an hour. When they got up they were in hospital. He just want to know that why it has happened? How it has happened?

After minute analysis what i have found is that at that period Mangal was in his mahadasha and Rahu came in pratyantar. His gan was also rakshas. Strong angarak yoga was formed in that period and due to negative rahu they came in contact with negative energy and they suffered.

I asked him to go to that place ask some person about that place. He went and found that there many persons got down without any reason. some negative energy resides their as per localized.

After that I gave him some utara and ask him to wear a kawach. After that he is ok and never faced such type of accident again.

So Many types of impacts are seen by me if person has angarak yoga Some of them are:

Angarak Yoga Effects and Remedies, What is Angarak yoga, How it disturbs our life, why it is dangerous, Vedic remedies of angarak yoga or dosha, Powerful tantrik remedies of angarak dosha.
Anagarak yoga is responsible for the accident. It is also causes chronic diseases. Due to this dosha person suffers from evil eye effects. Black magic also makes impact on the person easily having angarak yoga in kundli or horoscope. Some time this yoga make impact on business. A healthy business get collapsed due to negative impact of this yoga. Some time it is also seen that problem in marriage life come. Student some times unable to concentrate his or her mind in studies. Medicines doesn’t work on persons. Person become depressed, short tempered, cantankerous or spiky.

Remedies of Angarak Yoga:
If we talk about the remedies of angarak yoga I want to say that before going for remedies it is better to analyze the horoscope. Because only by minute analysis it is possible to find the right solutions. For e.g. suppose if the person is suffering form the negative energy then at
that time remedies through tantra will be required. If the person is suffering from health problem then also it is necessary to find the exact reason.
Some astrologer direct do the rahu shanti or mangal shanti but this is also not good. Because it is also necessary to check the position of that planet before doing the shanti process.

But some common remedies are:
1. Mangalanist prayoga which is generally used to cool down the malefic effects of mangal.
2. Some time rahu shanti is necessary.
3. There are special kawach which are necessary to protect the person from negative impact of angarak yoga.
4. There is a special angarak shanti pooja in which special measures are used to cool down the malefic planets.
5. Worship Lord Ganesha to minimize the maleflc effects of angarak yoga.
Best Remedies or Best Solution of Angarak Yoga:
If you really want to know that is there any angarak yoga in your horoscope or kundli or not. If you are suffering from the problem of angarak dosha then get the best remedies by proper analysis of your birth chart. Powerful
of angarak yoga by best angarak yoga remedial expert.
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