Female Natives

Female natives born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results as mentioned in the case of male natives. In addition they will enjoy the following results:

  1. Physical features : She is tall, sharp look, lean body. Her countenance and body very very beautiful.
  1. Character and general events : She is very intelligent. She takes keen interest in the social work. Mentally always alert, quick-witted, selfish. Since she has a poisonous tongue, she has to be careful when entering to arguments or getting angry as in case she curses others, such curse has the power to harm others. She is educated, fond of fine arts. She will have children and devotes to her husband. Acquires considerable wealth. Enjoys good food. She will be lucky to have ornaments and fine clothing. She is greedy for wealth.
  1. Education, sources of earnings / profession : Attains good knowledge in the mechanical or electrical engineering, telephones, electronics etc. It may become surprising that being a female native, how she is more interested in the jobs that are normally done by males.
  1. Family life : Even after marriage, she keeps busy in various activities. She keeps her husband under her control. There may be one or two love affairs early in her life, which has not culminated into marriage. However, after marriage she is very much attached to her husband, as if nothing has taken place in the past..
  1. Health : Intermittent health problems will take place. She is prone to goiter, pimples, venereal diseases, menstrual troubles and shoulder pains.