• Uranus in Aries, makes the native headstrong and stubborn; often travels or changes his residence; is fond of machinery, inventive etc., can’t stand much imposition ; gives good reasoning powers.
  • Uranus in Taurus, headstrong, determined; love occultism if led into it; naturally intuitive; is a little evil for marriage, causing, jealousy on the part of the partner. This sign, together with Gemini and Scorpio, are the strongest houses for Uranus to cause one to become an adept in occultism.
  • Uranus in Gemini, makes native love reading, science in general; most always inventive and introducing new ideas; very favorable for the study of electricity.
  • Uranus in Cancer, makes the native eccentric, cranky, original in ideas, expressions, etc.; very much given to travel, restless, impatient, evasive; gives success in occultism if Moon assists by strong aspects.
  • Uranus in Leo, makes the native headstrong, fiery, stubborn, , eccentric, can’t stand it to be ordered about or contradicted.
  • Uranus in Virgo, makes the native stubborn, eccentric, quiet, fond of curiosities, science, especially the occult; generally meet with great success in occultism; make good teachers, mechanics.
  • Uranus in Libra, makes the native scientific, ambitious, eccentric, quick tempered, fond of traveling, restless, gives good reasoning faculties.
  • Uranus in Scorpio, makes the native bold, determined, stubborn, often are malicious, deceitful, very sharp and cunning; secretive, superstitious, etc.; gives a love for the mechanical, an inventive nature.
  • Uranus in Sagittarius, makes the native generous and free, very enthusiastic, cannot bear to be ruled by others; want to be master on all occasions, and often are; they love science, but don’t spend much time studying.
  • Uranus in Capricorn. makes the native proud, headstrong, very stubborn and eccentric, restless ,uneasy, want to be moving about and doing-something; generally a deep and good mind; good reasoning faculties.
  • Uranus in Aquarius, makes the native very ingenious, fond of all sciences and novelties, very eccentric, peculiar in their beliefs; generally have a large imagination, impressionable, of a pleasant and obliging disposition; they succeed in anything of a scientific or mechanical nature.
  • Uranus in Pisces, makes the native quiet and inclined to be dull and gloomy, often look far into the future, but look on the dull side of things; very stubborn and eccentric in their nature.

See also