Common Effects of Kalathra Dosha and Cancellation
- Delay in marriage
- Unhappy marital life
- Misunderstandings
- Lack of conjugal bliss
- Separation or divorce
- Ill health to spouse
- The premature death of a spouse
Mars Dosha
Mars in 7th or 8th house: Mars creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as kuja dosha or Mangal Dosha. If Kalathra dosha is created by the fiery mars, better get your horoscope matched with a Manglik person for a happy marital life. Manglik people are aggressive and angry prone. If Mars is aspected by Jupiter, malefic effects of mars will be reduced much and they can make a happy marital life.
Sani Dasha
Saturn in 7th or 8th house: Saturn creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as Sani dosha. Saturn dosha delays the marriage and marriage takes place only after the age of 30 in many cases unless otherwise a benefic planet aspects Saturn. Otherwise, the native marries a person who is very much older than the native. And this age difference would be more than eight. Or otherwise, they may get married to a person who is darker in complexion or the one who is inferior by social status or wealth than the native. True affection from the heart will not be there between the couples.
Naga Dosha
Rahu/Ketu in 7th or 8th house: Rahu or Ketu creates kalathra dosha in 7th house and Mangalya dosha in 8th house. This is also called as Naga Dosha. Naga dosha creates troubles in choosing a right partner for marriage. They are mostly disappointed in the marriage life even if married early. The health of the spouse may not be good. No good relationship with In-laws. They’ll always be in a fear imagining that some unexpected event would occur. The spouse might speak lies or use deceiving words.
Exceptions on Kalathra dosha and Mangalya dosha
- If Jupiter aspects the 7th house or 8th house, then the dosha get canceled.
- If the lord of the 7th or 8th house is strongly placed, then the dosha doesn’t harm much
- If the planet creating dosha is placed on its own house or exaltation house, then there is no Dosha.