Astrology Yoga for Higher Education

 Astrology Yoga for Higher Education I am telling about few Yogas (placement, conjunction or aspect of planets) Kalanithi Yoga Brahma Yoga Sarawathi Yoga Balai Yoga Shanga Yoga Kalanithi Yoga Venus should be either in his own house or in the exalted house, Jupiter and...

Struggle in Education 10 Astrological Facts

Struggle in Education 10 Astrological Facts 1.   Debility of 2,4,5th house lords. 2.  Placement of 2, 4, 5th houses in between two malefic planets. 3.  Placement of 2,4,5th house lords in between two malefic planets. 4.  If the second house is placed with malefic...

Kahala Yoga and Effects of Kahala Yoga

Kahala Yoga and Effects of Kahala Yoga Another yoga created due to the change of place is Kahala Yoga. If the lord of the third house changes its place to Ascendant, Second and fourth house, the Kahala Yoga is created. The meaning of Khal is evil. As its name suggests...

Divisional Chart Significations

Divisional Chart Significations Divisional Chart Symbol Area of life to be seen from it Rasi D-1 Existence at the physical level Hora D-2 Wealth and money Drekkana D-3 Everything related to brothers and sisters Chaturthamsa D-4 Residence, houses owned, properties and...

Colors Of Planets

Colors Of Planets Jupiter Colors Golden Hue Sun Colors Reddish Moon Colors Fair Mars Colors Deep red Mercury Colors Greenish Saturn Colors Black Venus Colors Polished Light Black Significators of Houses 1st House Sun 2nd House Jupiter 3rd House Mars 4th House Moon 5th...

अष्टकवर्ग क्या है?

अष्टकवर्ग क्या है? प्रश्न: अष्टकवर्ग क्या है? उत्तर: प्रत्येक ग्रह अपना प्रभाव किसी निश्चित स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर डालता है। इन प्रभावों को अष्टकवर्ग में महत्व देकर फलित करने की एक सरल विधि तैयार की गयी है। अष्टकवर्ग में राहु-केतु को छोड़कर शेष सात ग्रह (सूर्य से शनि)...


EFFECT OF ANTARDASHA OF PLANETS Antardasha or Sub-period SUN DASHA MOON ANTARDASHA In the major period of the Sun, the Moon's sub period will subdue the valor of the enemies of the native. He will gain health, wealth and happiness. SUN DASHA MARS ANTARDASHA In the...


EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE AND ADVERSE DASA OF PLANETS  EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE SUN'S DASA If the Sun is favorable, in his Dasa, there will be gains from forests, medicines, travels, poison, evil friendship, forests, ivory, skin, fire and royal association. Courage,...