What is Pasa Yoga?

What is Pasa Yoga? A person with pasa yogam in his horoscope will have the following benefits He will acquire wealth through right means as the planets occupying five houses makes them auspicious He will be cheerful, charming and always surrounded by friends owing to...

What is Chandika Yoga?

What is Chandika Yoga? If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 6th and the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 9th combined with the Sun and if the Lagna being a fixed sign is aspected by the lord of the 6th, Chandika Yoga is caused. The...

What is Vidyut Yoga?

What is Vidyut Yoga? This yoga forms when 11th house lord is in exaltation and Venus is in Kendra from Lagna lord. 1The st house stands for self, vision to life. 1The 1st house stands for wealth and success in undertakings. Venus stands for joy, happiness. Thus for...

Some Interesting Facts About Star Constellations

Some Interesting Facts About Star Constellations Constellations Are Star Patterns In The Night Sky Constellations (“set of stars”) are basically groups of stars that have imaginatively been linked together to depict mythological characters, animals, and objects from...