Aquarius Ascendant-Kumbha Lagna

Aquarius Ascendant-Kumbha Lagna Aquarius Ascendant-Kumbha Lagna First House Sun. Sun is lord of 7th house when posited in Lagna and aspects own sign of the 7th house indicates late marriage, long life, wealthy reputed and respected. Connections with the process of...

Capricorn Ascendant-Makar Lagna

Capricorn Ascendant-Makar Lagna Capricorn Ascendant-Makar Lagna First House Sun. Lord of 8th house in Lagna, in enemy’s camp indicates assistance in the accumulation of money and business of others. Legacies and gain through affairs and matters connected with the...

Sagittarius Ascendant – Dhanu Lagna

Sagittarius Ascendant - Dhanu Lagna Sagittarius Ascendant - Dhanu Lagna First house Sun. Sun is lord of 9th trikona house and is posited in friend’s house. It indicates long journeys, learning, wisdom, prudence, fortunate with strangers, foreigner’s, wife’s relations...

Scorpio Ascendant-Vrischika Lagna

Scorpio Ascendant-Vrischika Lagna Scorpio Ascendant-Vrischika Lagna First House Sun is the ruler of 10th house when posited in Ascendant indicates honour through merits, success and high ambitions. One will be troublesome for the parents, he will be cruel, of rash...

चन्द्रमा और मंगल योग

चन्द्रमा और मंगल योग भविष्य प्रारब्ध कर्मो के अच्छे-बुरे परिणामों की फल श्रुति होता है। जीवन में अच्छे-बुरे का हेतु कर्म सिद्धान्त ही है। हम अपनी संकल्प शक्ति के बल पर कर्मफलों को अपने अनुसार भोगने का प्रयास करते हैं अथवा अपने आपको भाग्य पर रहने के लिए छो़ड देते हैं।...


PALMISTRY (PART-6) MARKS ON THE HAND Transverse Marks A transverse line marking on the hand is an evil sign that nullifies the positive qualities of any mount it is found upon. Though a person may have the markings of a heroic mount, these qualities can be reduced if...


PALMISTRY (PART-5)   THE MOUNTS OF THE HAND Mounts have a special significance in the study of palm because different lines are formed and developed due to mounts. Mounts have been named after the planets and the special features of the planets are revealed in the...


PALMISTRY (PART-4) THE MOUNTS OF THE HAND Mounts have a special significance in the study of palm because different lines are formed and developed due to mounts. Mounts have been named after the planets and the special features of the planets are revealed in the...

Libra Ascendant-Tula Lagna

First house Sun. Sun is in debilitated sign in Lagna. Sun gives love of justice, peace and harmony. The native is courteous, pleasant and agreeable. They are even tempered, affectionate and generous. There will be many ups and downs in life. Disrespect in old age....

Vivah k karak, yoga aur vilamb

विवाह : योग, विलंब और समय विवाह योग के मुख्य कारक 1. सप्तम भाव का स्वामी खराब है या सही है वह अपने भाव में बैठ कर या किसी अन्य स्थान पर बैठ कर अपने भाव को देख रहा है। 2. सप्तम भाव पर किसी अन्य पाप ग्रह की द्रिष्टि नही है। 3. कोई पाप ग्रह सप्तम में बैठा नही है। 4. यदि...