ZODIAC SIGNS AND THE CHARACTER In astrology as well as astronomy, the Zodiac is a 360° circle around the earth, where each of the twelve Zodiac signs is 30°. In astronomy it is simply used as a coordinate system, to mark the positions of celestial bodies. In...
HEALTH PROBLEMS BY ZODIAC SIGN Your health is affected by zodiacal, planetary and stellar influences. Each sign of zodiac represents a certain part of human anatomy and the specific disease peculiar to it. ARIES Head, pituitary, cerebrum, cerebellum, facial bones,...
Virgo Ascendant – Kanya Lagna
First House Sun. Sun 12th lord in Virgo in Lagna indicates that native will be fond of music, painting and poetry. Respected by rulers, being learned and intelligent when strongly aspected by Jupiter. Devoid from the comforts of father in early age. Loss of ancestral...
Leo Ascendant – Simha Lagna
Leo Ascendant - Simha Lagna First House Sun. Irritable, rash temperament, liberal and generous. Wealthy, a native of authority, power and rank. Strong Willed and respected. Very cautious for his respect. Ambitious but he has to adjust with his wife. Gain through hard...
Cancer Ascendant-Karka Lagna
Cancer Ascendant-Karka Lagna Cancer Ascendant-Karka Lagna cancer ascendant vedic astrology Cancer rising sign First House Sun Changeable temper, respected and tall in stature. Complexion will be sanguine bright with reddish tinge on the face. Comforts from conveyance....
The reality of Kemdhrum Yoga
केमद्रुम योग [केमद्रुम योग ज्योतिष में चंद्रमा से निर्मित एक महत्वपूर्ण योग है. वृहज्जातक में वाराहमिहिर के अनुसार यह योग उस समय होता है जब चंद्रमा के आगे या पीछे वाले भावों में ग्रह न हो अर्थात चंद्रमा से दूसरे और चंद्रमा से द्वादश भाव में कोई भी ग्रह नहीं हो. यह योग...
Gemini Ascendant – Mithun lagna
First House Sun. Lord or 3rd house is posited in Lagna indicates rash temperament, comforts from brothers, gain or wealth through others. Wealthy and learned. Intelligent and blessed with medium life span. Interested in Astrology and Mathematics. Moon. Selfish,...
Vrishabha Lagna – Taurus Ascendant
First House Sun. When Sun is posited in Lagna it is in Taurus sign and in enemy’s camp. Such a native will be of rash temperament, fond of scents and luxuries; interested in cloth business like as ready made garments, general cloth etc. Comforts from wife and...
Aries ascendant-All planets
Aries ascendant-All planets The owner of Aries Ascendant is Mars which is Agnitatava Pradhan. So in this way you may prove to be an aggressive natured person. This is a male dominating indicative sign. You may be adventurous and short tempered person. You may be...
कुण्डली के अशुभ योग
कुण्डली के अशुभ योग: 1).चांडाल योग=गुरु के साथ राहु या केतु हो तो जातकको चांडाल दोष है 2).सूर्य ग्रहण योग=सूर्य के साथ राहु या केतु हो तो 3). चंद्र ग्रहण योग=चंद्र के साथ राहु या केतु हो तो 4).श्रापित योग -शनि के साथ राहु हो तो दरिद्री योग होता है 5).पितृदोष- यदि जातक...