Shani (Saturn):Introduction

Shani (Saturn):Introduction Shani Graha, also known as Sani (planet Saturn) is one of the most prominent grahas of the all the Navagrahas. He is the son of Sun God and Chayadevi. He is the older brother of God Yama (God of Death). He is tall and dark, with red eyes...

The importance of Match making (Kundli Milan)

Hi all, This article is all about gun milan means match making of birthchart which is very important before marriage. You can contact us for total kundli milan. Gun Milan is an ancient 8-fold Vedic test of horoscope matching between a man and woman's charts for...


NEECH BHANG RAJ YOGA  Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga, cancellation of debilitation. Raj Yogas are only created when following conditions are fulfilled: Lord of the sign occupied by a debilitated planet, placed in a Kendra (angle) from the Lagna or the Moon. The planet which...


VENUS IN DIFFERENT SIGNS Venus is a planet of beauty and luxury. It gives pleasure in our lives. Take a look over the effects of placement of venus in different signs (From Aries to Pisces)  in your chart. VENUS IN DIFFERENT SIGNS Aries : Extravagant, active, mutable,...


SATURN IN DIFFERENT SIGNS Placement of Saturn in various signs Aries- Idiotic, wanderer, insincere, peevish, resentful, cruel, fraudulent, immoral, boastful, quarrelsome, gloomy, mischievous, perverse, misunderstanding nature. Taurus- Dark complexion, deceitful,...


Placement of Mars in various signs Aries - Organizing capacity, commanding, rich, social, scars in the body, sensual, dark, mathematician, rich social, scars in the body, sensual, dark, mathematician, active, powerful, inspiring, pioneering able, statesmanly, frank,...

Mangal dosha

Mangal Dosha • Effects & Characteristics of Mangliks Mangal Dosha has grown to be a frequently found dosha or astrological drawback. The planet Mars is known as Mangal or Kuja in the ancient Sanskrit language. An astrological situation when the planet Mars exists...

Kundli me moon ko strong karne k upay

कुंडली में चंद्रमा को मजबूत करने के उपाय 1. जन्म कुंडली जन्म कुंडली में मौजूद सभी नौ ग्रह, अपनी-अपनी तरह से जातक को प्रभावित करते, उसके जीवन पर अपना असर छोड़ते हैं। अगर शुभ ग्रह अच्छी स्थिति में हैं तो इसका फल भी जातक को मिलता है और अशुभ ग्रह अच्छी स्थिति में हैं तो...

Rahu ketu become yogkaraka

Rahu Ketu become yogkaraka Raj Yoga Rahu and Ketu becoming yogakarka Rahu and Ketu can create the most powerful yogakarka raj yoga if it is beneficially placed. Rahu and Ketu work according to their depositor, sign in which it is placed, nakshatra lord, karka and...