Capricorn Gaurav Arya
Capricorn has a confused association with two distinct mythological figures. Aegipan, son of Zeus and the nymph Aex, assisted Hermes with the recovery of Zeus’s sinews from Typhon and then transformed himself into a goat-fish in order to escape. In gratitude, Zeus is...
URANUS by Gaurav Arya
URANUS Uranus is our solar system’s seventh planet, orbiting between Saturn and Neptune at an average distance of about 1.75 billion miles from the Sun. Since it is 20 times further away from the Sun than Earth, it takes Uranus 84 Earth years to travel around the Sun....
There are two completely different components to medical astrology: one that belongs in nativities, and one that is done through interrogations. Both parts have their genesis in Hellenistic astrology. Nativities The early medical applications in nativities involved...
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Sun Eruptive fevers, irritability Highly temperamental Pessimistic. Anemic , Low BP, giddiness Neuralgia migraine Jaundice Liver Gall bladder Burning Urination Cystitis Pruritus Itchy vulva Low BP Mental Deficiency...
Nakshatras (Part-3)
Nakshatras (Part-3) Hasta – "The hand" Ruled by Moon. 160'00" to 173'20" (10'00" to 23'20" Virgo). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Moksha. Female Buffalo Symbol - The palm Deity - Savita Dosha - Vata Sign - Virgo (Padas 1, 2,...
Nakshatras (Part-2)
Nakshatras (Part-2) Janma Nakshatra is the Nakshatra in which the moon is placed at the time of birth. It plays a major role in shaping our thinking patterns, inherent capabilities, and destiny. Each Nakshatra radiates its own quality, has its own motivation and the...
Nakshatras (Part-1)
Nakshatras (Part-1) Nakshatras have a very special place in Vedic astrology. They are the axis on which Vedic astrology revolves. The moon stays in one Nakshatra for one day. They are mentioned in the ancient Indian Texts- the Artharva and Yajur Veda which lists all...
Fame and Astrology (Part-3)
Fame and Astrology (Part-3) Analysis of various charts came to the following conclusions: The best indicator of fame is Moon. To determine the odds for fame, popularity and public appeal, an analysis of the Lunar aspects are extremely revealing. As the second most...
Fame and Astrology (Part-2)
Fame and Astrology (Part-2) SPECIAL OR RARE RAJA YOGAS Raja yogas are numerous but among those thousands are some that are special and some rare in occurrence, such as:- Panch Mahapurusha yoga This yoga arises when any one of the five Tara-grahas viz; Mercury, Venus,...
Fame and Astrology (Part-1)
Fame and Astrology (Part-1) The results of the yoga or Raja yoga formed owing to a lord of a kendra (quadrant) (the 1st, 4th, 7th or the 10th house) and a lord of a trikona (trine) (the 1st, 5th or the 9th house) establishing mutual relationship become more pronounced...