Placement of Saturn in various signs
- Aries– Idiotic, wanderer, insincere, peevish, resentful, cruel, fraudulent, immoral, boastful, quarrelsome, gloomy, mischievous, perverse, misunderstanding nature.
- Taurus– Dark complexion, deceitful, successful, powerful, unorthodox, clever, likes solitude, voracious eater, persuasive cool, contagious diseases, many wives, self-restraint, worried nature.
- Gemini – Wandering nature, miserable, untidy, original, thin, subtle, ingenious, strategic, few children, taste for chemical and mechanical sciences, narrow-minded, speculative, logical, desperado.
- Cancer – Poor, weak teeth, pleasure-seeking, few sons, cheeks full, slow, dull, cunning, rich, selfish, deceitful, malicious, stubborn, devoid of motherly care.
- Leo– Middle stature, severe, obstinate, few sons, stubborn, unfortunate, conflicting, hard worker, good writer evil-minded.
- Virgo– Dark complexion, malicious, poor, quarrelsome, erratic, narrow-minded, rude, conservative, taste for public life, weak health.
- Libra– Famous, founder of institutions and the like, rich, tall, fair, self-conceited, handsome, tactful, powerful, respected, sound judgment, antagonistic, independent, proud, prominent, charitable, sub-servient to females.
- Scorpio – Rash, indifferent, hard-hearted, adventurous, petty, self-conceited, reserved, unscrupulous, violent, unhappy, danger from poisons, fire and weapons, wasteful, unhealthy.
- Sagittarius – Pushful, artful, cunning, famous, peaceful, faithful, pretentious, apparently generous, troubles with wife, courteous, dutiful children, generally happy.
- Capricorn – Intelligent, harmony and felicity in domestic life, selfish, covetous, peevish, intellectual, learned, suspicious, reflective, revengeful, prudent, melancholy, inheritance from wife’s parties.
- Aquarius– Practical, able, diplomatic, ingenious, a bit conceited, prudent, happy, reflective, intellectual, philosophical, vanquished by enemies.
- Pisces – Clever, pushful, gifted, polite, happy, good, wife trustworthy, scheming, wealthy, helpful.