Madhumati Yogini Sadhana in Hindi

Madhumati Yogini Sadhana in Hindi  मधुमति योगिनी- शुभ्र वर्ण वाली देवी अति सुंदर नाना प्रकार के अलंकारों से भूषित साधना के पश्चात सामने आकर किसी भी लोक की वस्तु प्रदान करती हैं। इनकी कृपा से पूर्ण आयु तथा अच्‍छा स्वास्‍थ्य प्राप्त होता है। राज्याधिकार...

Muntha Different Houses

Muntha Different Houses Muntha in the First House the first house provides victory over enemies. The native is able to attain high position and success in business. He gets the support of high authority at the workplace and achieves financial benefits and good health....

Neechbhanga Rajyoga Good Bad

Neechbhanga Rajyoga Good Bad The lord of the house occupied by a debilitated planet is in a Kendra or in a trikona from the Lagna or the Chandra-Lagna. A planet that gets exalted in the sign where a planet is debilitated is in a Kendra from the Lagna or the...

Mars in 7th House

Mars in 7th House If the mars placed in 7house either exalted or in own sign than the native’s wife does not die but is not of good character and does not look good. The native gets the property. If mars placed with benefic planets than he has no of brothers,...

Moon in 7th House

Moon in 7th House If the moon is placed in 7house than the native is blessed with a beautiful, healthy and good spouse. The native gains from the business and also from foreign trade. The native enjoys good food. If the moon is placed in 7house and moon is strong in...