Many Diseases By Astrology
- Migraine Astrology
- Suicidal Combinations in Astrology
- Many Diseases By Astrology
Eye Disease Astrology
we Read about Many Diseases By Astrology
Sun is the right eye, Moon is the left eye.
If Saturn aspects either Sun or Moon, the person will have weak eyesight.
If Rahu or Ketu aspects either Sun or Moon, then the person will have defective eyesight (cataract, color blindness, squinted eyes etc.,).
If Venus aspects Moon, then the person will have abnormally big eyes.
Nose Disease Astrology
If Rahu aspects Jupiter, then the person will have an ugly nose.
If Jupiter is in retrogression, then the person will have an ugly nose.
If Ketu aspects Jupiter, the nose will be small.
Ear Disease Astrology
If Rahu aspects Mercury, then the person will have ear trouble.
Dental Disease Astrology
If Saturn aspects Mars, then the person will have a toothache or tooth decay.
If Rahu aspects Mars, then the person will have uneven teeth setting. The teeth will
look ugly.
If Jupiter aspects Mars or Venus aspects Mars, then the person will have healthy teeth.
Throat Disease Astrology
If Moon aspects Mercury, the person will be suffering throat infection.
If Ketu aspects Mercury, then there will be an extra growth in the throat.
Skin Disease Astrology
- If Moon aspects Mercury, then the person will have a skin disease.
- If Rahu aspects Mercury, then the person will have black marks on the body.
- If Ketu aspects Mercury, then the person will have red marks on the body.
- If more than one fiery planet aspects Jupiter, the person will have pimples on the face or on the body.
- If Jupiter, Mars and Rahu are in the same sign or in the same direction, the person will suffer from smallpox.
- If Jupiter or Venus aspects Mercury, then the skin will be very soft.
- If Mars aspects Mercury, then the skin will be rough.
Blood-related Disease Astrology
If Rahu aspects Mars, then the person will have polluted blood.
If Ketu aspects Mars, then the person will have defective blood circulation.
If Saturn aspects Mars, then the person will have polluted blood.
If Mars aspects Jupiter, then the person will be suffering from high blood pressure.
Heart-related Disease Astrology
If more than one fiery planet aspects Jupiter, the person will have heart disease.
Asthama Astrology
If one or more than one watery planet aspects Jupiter, then the person will be suffering from breathing trouble.
Urinal Problems Astrology
If Venus aspects Moon, then the person will be suffering from Diabetes. For the above combination, the following diseases may also come
Uterus trouble,
Urinary Infection,
Kidney trouble,
Bladder trouble
Read Also suicidal combinations in astrology below
Rheumatic Pain Astrology
If Rahu or Ketu aspects of either Jupiter or Saturn, Rheumatic Pain Astrology then the person will be suffering from rheumatic pain.
Piles Astrology
If Jupiter, Mars, and Ketu are in the same sign or in the same direction, then the person Will be suffering from piles. If Moon also aspects this combination, then there is a possibility that the person will be suffering from Cancer.
Spinal Cord disorder Astrology
If Rahu aspects Mercury and Mars, then there will be spinal cord disorder.
Vehicle Accident Astrology
If Jupiter, Mars, and Rahu are in the same sign or in the same direction, then the Person will meet with an accident.
If Saturn, Mars, and Rahu are in the same sign or in the same direction, then the Person will meet with an accident.
Suicide Astrology Suicidal Combinations in Astrology
suicidal combinations in astrology will be found when, If Moon, Mars, and Rahu are in the same sign or in the same direction, then the Person will have a suicidal tendency.
Madness Astrology
If Moon and Rahu are in the same sign or in the same direction, the person will be Suffering from mental hallucination.
Migraine Astrology
we can find the reason of a Migraine by using Astrology Migraine Astrology If Sun and Moon are in the same sign and if this combination is aspected by Saturn and Rahu, then the person will be suffering from a Migraine.
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