Eye-diseases come to the native of any age depending on the planetary position of the birth chart, strength of the planets, the houses/signs occupied by the planets and the Major period, Sub-period or Sub-sub-period, the native is running at a particular time (Vimshortri-Dasha). Even going to hospital and getting operation etc, is destined by the force or planet.
The Sun and Mars mainly responsible for eye- troubles and role of Mars in eye-operation can’t be ruled out. In addition, 2nd houses and 12th house of a horoscope represent left and right eye and the extent of eye- trouble would depend on the affliction of these houses and their lords. Venus is also considered by some as eye and at times Saturn becomes the signification of blindness which is also connected with eye trouble. Aries if afflicted can also eye-trouble with Saturn being debilitated. Further, lords of 2nd 12th conjoining in 6th house and having some affliction or without the requisite strength can also cause eye-trouble.
Following planetary combinations have been found to be responsible for eye-diseases.
(1) The Sun governs the right eye and the Moon governs the left eye. This principle is accepted by all but some of the astrologers hold the view that Saturn governs the right eye and Mars govern the left. Astrologers may mail view on this point.
(2) Malefic planets in the trik house i.e. 6th/8th/12th houses form Lagna have the powers and are capable of giving eye trouble or even giving blindness.
(3) Eye disorders are also accepted when the 2nd house of 12th house are afflicted by the Sun.
(4) Though some say that Vipreet Raj Yoga comes into effect but some of the astrologers are of the opinion that when the lords of 2nd and 12th house occupy any of the evil or inauspicious house i.e. 6th, 8th, 12th chance of becoming blind are apparently during the dasha of the concerned planet.
(5) Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in 2nd or 12th house can cause blindness if there is no benefic relief.
(6) Leo sign occupied by Saturn and Venus is capable of giving eye-troubles to the native.
(7) Combination of Lords of the 2nd or 12th houses with a malefic in Aries or Leo sometimes proves harmful for the eyes.
(8) The Moon in association with Venus with a malefic in Leo or Arise may cause eye-trouble leading to blindness.
(9) Eye-trouble is also caused by the Sun and the Moon in the 12th house afflicted by malefics.
(10) Ketu is one of the significations of ‘Cataract’. Association of Ketu and the Sun in the 2nd or 12th house can cause ‘cataract’ problem leading to surgery.
(11) Mars and the Moon in any of the evil house i.e. 6th, 8th, 12th can cause eye-troubles of various kinds including flow of water, tears, etc.
(12) Some of the astrologer attributes ‘eyesight’ to Mercurry. Accordingly, it is said that of the five senses. Mercurry governs the sight. So any affliction of Mercurry, specially in the 2nd or 12th house may give eye troubles.