Foreign yoga comes into effect when a native has one or more planets situated in the 12th House. In the older times foreign yoga was considered a not so good yoga as staying with one’s family in his/her motherland was considered Raj Yoga for a native but now in the modern eras due to huge currency differences with other countries, it is now considered an auspicious yoga and hence parents today are happy to hear that their child’s horoscope has an inbuilt abroad yoga. Once observed as a painstaking yoga of living away from home, planetary combinations for foreign traveling are much sought after in present times. Indian astrology unveils numerous tested principles which give an obvious signal about the possibility and timing of foreign travel in other countries that can be replicated any number of times with high precision.
We will examine some the most essential yogas that give a person the chance to travel to foreign lands with all the permutation and combinations.

  • The first house depicts the person and the feeling inbuilt in you.
  • The third house depicts scanty trips and tours, this clearly stands for travel within the region.
  • The fourth house depicts a person’s home and the location of their dwelling.
  • The seventh house is the place opposite to 1st house, signifying faraway and long travels.
  • Though a fully complicate sector, eighth house does denote unknown places, which can indicate a location other to the person’s birth place.
  • Ninth house is the most influential house and denotes foreign travel.
  • Twelfth house denotes the abroad land itself.
The Lord of a house means the ruler of a particular house. For example- The tenth lord will signify the planet who owns the tenth house in a horoscope, that is, the lord of sign falling in tenth house.
In a horoscope ruler of the ninth, seventh and twelfth houses and the planets sitting in these houses are chief planets who makes one travel. Any relation between these planets give birth to travel/residence foreign yogas.
Also majority of planets in a horoscope in movable or dual signs denote inclination to be on the move continuously. Such yogas exists in horoscopes of individuals who work in traveling shows resembling to what we see on Discovery Channel or Fox traveler.

Now shifting on to the time period of traveling, let us see who causes the travel and when.

  • In time period of the ninth house lord, an extended journey becomes almost fixed with excellence and superiority in other countries. If the ruler of the tenth house (who denotes employment, job, business and profession) is also involved, then the person goes with the intention to work.
  • In time periods of 7th house ruler – This is commonly a duration when one goes overseas for intention of profession and diplomatist deputations. We see such yogas in horoscopes of native in executive jobs. Again any relation with 10th house lord will indicate involvement of pure business, else if 5th house ruler of education comes into play, we find the person traveling overseas for seeking higher education.
  • Time period of lord Rahu commonly causes one to visit distant lands. Also planets situated in ninth, eighth, twelfth and seventh houses in their time period gives long distance journey.
  • Time period of first house ruler or twelfth house ruler also sends one to distant lands when they form yoga for traveling.
  • Also in transit, Jupiter in first, third, seventh, ninth and twelfth houses makes perfect yoga for long distance journeys.