Guru And Shisiya ( Pupils)

The Guru shall desist from taking for his disciple one who is of wicked descent; wicked; devoid of good qualities; ugly; disciple of another; heretic; impotent; fancies himself to be learned; with body of less or more or
deformed limbs; lame; blind; deaf; dirty; struck with disease; excommunicated; foul of mouth; wearing any dress he likes; of illformed limbs, movements, gait, speech and look; sleepy; drowsy; lazy; addicted to vices. like gambling; ever hiding himself behind cupboards, walls or pillars; mean; devoid of external signs of devotion though with devotion within; given to exaggeration in speech; dry; exiled; merely instigating others; cunning, impure regarding wealth and wife; given to perform what is prohibited and to omit what is enjoined; divulging secrets; ruining what is to be performed; cat-like (in stealth); crane-like (in deception); ever intent on finding loopholes in others; knowing magic; ungrateful; concealing what is within; treacherous; disloyal to his master; sinful; distrustful; ever doubting; not aspiring for fulfillment; criminal; wanting to exact; angry; bearing false witness; deceiver of a l l ; proud that he is the best of a l l ; untrue; cruel; indecent in speech; talkative; of wrong object; of wrong reasoning; fond of quarrel; rebuking others without reason: foolish;reliable; bore; slandering people behind their back yet speaking well before them; talking like a Brahman (though without that knowledge); plagiarist; self-laudatory; envious of good qualities; injurious; distressed; passionate; garrulous; given to evil company; condemned of all; harsh; angering others; transgressing usage; talking of his own i l l s ; traitor to his master; deceiver of himself; gluttonous and lustful; thief; given to animal ways; hating, laughing, suffering, getting angry without any cause; laughing excessively, inactive, jesting bitingly; libidinous; shameless; inciting to false and wicked pursuits; given to jealousy, intoxication envy, ostentation, egotism, with mind that is jealous, rough, cruel, niggardly and angry; unsteady; miserable; coward; weak; benumbed; afflicted; una wakened in intelligence; dull; perplexed; overcome by care; a paramour; desirefull and greedy; wretched;discontented; begging for everything; eating in profusion; cunning, creating confusion; crooked; devoid of devotion, faith, compassion, peace, rightful conduct; making fun of the words of his parents, Guru and the wise and the holy; creating disgust around the ingredients of Kula worship and too proud of service to the Guru; hated of women; fallen from the tradition; cursed by a Guru. Such are to be rejected.The disciple chosen shall be one who is endowed with auspicious features; given to sadhana that leads to samadhi; of good qualities and culture; clean of body and apparel; wise; devoted to Dharma; pure of mind, steady in observances; of truthful practice; gifted with faith and devotion; diligent; sparsely eating; deep-thoughted; serving without motive; scrutinising; heroic; free from poverty of mind; skilful in all action; clean; obliging to all;
grateful; afraid of sin; approved of the holy and the good; believer in God; liberal; engaged in the good of all creatures. He shall be one who has trust and modesty; who is not given to deceive in matters of wealth, body etc., achieves the impossible; is brave, enthusiastic and strong; engaged in favourable activities; not intoxicated; able, helpful, truthful, limited and smiling in speech; not given to blaming others; who grasps what is said but once;clever; expansive in intelligence; averse to listen to his own praise and genial to others’ criticism of himself; master of his senses;contented with himself; intelligent; celibate;free from worry, disease, fickleness, grief,delusion and doubt.