Nakshatras (Part-3)
Hasta – “The hand”
- Ruled by Moon. 160’00” to 173’20” (10’00” to 23’20” Virgo).
- The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
- The motivation is Moksha.
- Female Buffalo
- Symbol – The palm
- Deity – Savita
- Dosha – Vata
- Sign – Virgo (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Chitra – ” The bright one”
- Ruled by Mars. 173’20” to 186’40” (23’20 Virgo to 6’40” Libra).
- The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- The motivation is Kama.
- Female Tiger
- Symbol – Pearl
- Deity – Tvashtar
- Dosha – Pitta
- Sign – Virgo (Padas 1, 2)
- Sign – Libra (Padas 3, 4)
Swati – “The independent one”
- Ruled by Rahu.186’40” to 200’00” (6’40” to 20’00 Libra).
- The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
- The motivation is Artha.
- Male Buffalo
- Symbol – Coral
- Deity – Vayu
- Dosha – Kapha
- Sign – Libra (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Vishakha – ” The forked Shape”
- Ruled by Jupiter. 200’00” to 213’20″(20’00″Libra to 3’20” Scorpio).
- The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
- The motivation is Dharma.
- Male Tiger
- Symbol – A potter’s wheel or an archway
- Deities – Indra and Agni
- Dosha – Kapha
- Sign – Libra (Padas 1, 2, 3)
- Sign – Scorpio (Pada 4)
Anuradha – ” The disciple of Divine spark”
- Ruled by Saturn.213’20” to 226’40” (3’20” to 16’40″Scorpio).
- The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- The motivation is Dharma.
- Female Hare
- Symbol – A Lotus flower
- Deity – Mitra
- Dosha – Pitta
- Sign – Scorpio (All the four Padas)
Jyestha – “The eldest”
- Ruled by Mercury. 226’40” to 240’00” (16’40” Scorpio to 0’00″Sagittarius).
- The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
- The motivation is Artha.
- Male Hare
- Symbol – An earring or an umbrella
- Deity – Indra
- Dosha – Vata
- Sign – Scorpio (All the four Padas)
Mula – “The Basic”
- Ruled by Ketu. 240’00” to 253’20” (0’00” to 13’20” Sagittarius).
- The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
- The motivation is Kama.
- Male Dog
- Symbol – The tail of a lion or an elephant’s goad
- Deity – Nritta
- Dosha – Vata
- Sign – Sagittarius (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Purva Ashadha- ” The early victory”
- Ruled by Venus. 253’20” to 266’40” (13’20” to 26’40”).
- The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- The motivation is Moksha.
- Male Monkey
- Symbol – Tust of an elephant
- Deity – Apas
- Dosha – Pitta
- Sign – Sagittarius (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Uttara ashadha – “Latter victory”
- Ruled by Sun. 266’40” to 280’00” (26’40 Sag to 10’00” Capricorn).
- The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
- The motivation is Moksha.
- Male Mongoose
- Symbol – A small cot
- Deity – Vishwadeva
- Dosha – Kapha
- Sign – Sagittarius (Pada 1)
- Sign – Capricorn (Padas 2, 3, 4)
Shravana – “the learned one”
- Ruled by Moon. 280’00” to 293’20” (10’00 to 23’20” Capricorn).
- The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
- The motivation is Artha.
- Female Monkey
- Symbol – An ear or an arrow
- Deity – Vishnu
- Dosha – Kapha
- Sign – Capricorn (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Dhanishtha – “The richest One”
- Ruled by Mars. 293’20” to 306’40” (23’20” cap to 6’40” Aquarius).
- The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- The motivation is Dharma.
- Female Lion
- Symbol – A musical drum or the flute
- Deity – Vasus
- Dosha – Pitta
- Sign – Capricorn (Padas 1, 2)
- Sign – Aquarius (Padas 3, 4)
Shatabhishak – ” A hundred Healers”
- Ruled by Rahu. 306’40” to 320’00” (6’40” to 20’00” Aquarius).
- The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
- The motivation is Dharma.
- Female Horse
- Symbol – Hundred Flowers
- Deity – Varuna
- Dosha – Vata
- Sign – Aquarius (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Purva Bhadrapada – “The auspicious feet”
- Ruled by Jupiter. 320’00” to 333’20 (20’00” Aquarius to 3’20” Pisces).
- The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
- The motivation is Artha.
- Male Lion
- Symbol – A sword
- Deity – Aja Ekpada
- Dosha – Vata
- Sign – Aquarius (Padas 1, 2, 3)
- Sign – Pisces (Pada 4)
Uttara Bhadrapada – “The auspicious feet”
- Ruled by Saturn. 333’20” to 346’40” (3’20” to 16’40” Pisces).
- The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
- The motivation is Kama.
- Female Cow
- Symbol – The number two or a twin
- Deity – Ahirbudhyana
- Dosha – Pitta
- Sign – Pisces (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Revati – “the wealthy”
- Ruled by Mercury. 346’40” to 360’00” (16’40” to 30’00” Pisces).
- The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.
- The motivation is Moksha.
- Female Elephant
- Symbol – A fish
- Deity – Pushan
- Dosha – Kapha
- Sign – Pisces (Padas 1, 2, 3, 4)
Nakshatras (Part-2)